Saturday 7 December 2013

Treatment of Kidney stones wth Homeopathy

Treatment of Kidney Stones with Homeopathy

Changing lifestyles and eating habits have done more harm than good to the human body and given rise to a menace like renal stones. We look at the different ways to prevent the same.
Renal stones also called as Nephrolithiasis are one of the most common health problem faced by both younger and older age groups of this generation.  We also find recurrence of renal stones after surgical removal of renal stones (Lithotripsy).
People usually have a misconception that kidney stones is a foreign body inside their body, this is not true ! Kidney stones are formed due to sedimentation of normal salts as a result of defect in the renal system. These stones are formed naturally in the body and hence removal of these stones otherwise called calculi, should be done naturally. At Essence Homeopathic Clinics we have been successfully treating patients where the stones have been passed naturally.

What are the Symptoms?
Kidney stones usually do not cause pain and in some cases they may lie dormant for long periods of time. The pain begins when the stones travel from the kidney and enter into the ureter, which connect the kidney to the bladder or the urethra. The pain is very sudden, severe and it could be the worst pain that they ever experienced. The patient will experience pains in the sides of back, this pain may travel to the groin  and to the urethra  as well.
The patient may even experience episodes of nausea and vomiting.
The stones can damage the inner lining of the urinary tract which can cause bleeding hence the patient may see blood mixed with urine while micturition (hematuria). This usually occurs when the stone is travelling through the ureters. When there is frequent painful urination / micturition it means that the stone has left the bladder and in the urethra which is a good sign that the stone will be passed out soon.  

Types of stones:
The stones are classified based on the content of the stones or what type of mineral they are made up of. The most common type of kidney stone is the calcium oxalate and other less common ones are the calcium phosphate, uric acid, struvite and Cystine stones.

Treatment of Kidney Stones:
The most common and the best treatment would be “taking plenty of water” which helps to flush the stones through the urine. But this method of home treatment would work only for the stones that are small, the larger ones may require medications or surgical intervention. The most common surgical intervention is the ECSL – Extra corporeal shockwave lithotripsy, this is a method of using shock waves to break the stone which in turn pass through the urine. In such cases the recurrence of stone is common.
On the other hand, homeopathic medications are found to be effective in breaking the stones and expelling the through the urine. The reason why lot of patients prefer homeopathic medication is that “homeopathic medications helps to prevent recurrence of these calculi”, hence these medications can be taken by those patients who have underwent lithotripsy as well .

Does the homeopath give the same medicine for all the patients with kidney stones?
NO!! There is no fixed or combination homeopathic medicine that is found to be effective in treating all the patients with kidney stones. If a patient does take a combination or a complex of remedies for kidney stones then it will definitely help to reduce the pain but it cannot expel the stone. The homeopathic medication is selected by a qualified homeopath based on the character of the pain, location of the pain, site of the stone, physical generals like thirst, sleep, appetite of the patient and sometimes even the mental status of the patient. Let me give you an example, lets assume there are two patient both have been diagnosed with kidney stone or Nephrolithiasis.
 Patient 1 – has the kidney stone on his left kidney and has a dull aching pain which better after micturition.
Patient 2 – has kidney stone on his right kidney and gets a sharp shooting pain but the pain is worse during and after micturition.
Both patient 1 and patient 2 are suffering with kidney stones but both the stones are at different location and experiencing different types of pain hence “not all kidney stones are alike and not all patients are alike” – this is where a homeopath individualizes the case and selects a single or sometimes two remedies specific for patient 1 and for patient 2.  This is why a homeopath needs to interact with the patient and find out what remedy is best suited for the patient.

What is the duration of treatment?
There is no fixed duration of treatment but its estimated range between 1 month to 1 year for treatment. This duration depends on the susceptibility, age, size of stone, location of the stone.
Let me give you an example:  Patient ‘A’ is having a 5mm stone in his kidney and is taking homeopathic medication. Patient ‘B’ is having a 5mm stone in his bladder and is on homeopathic treatment.
Generally patient ‘B’ will get treated much faster compared to Patient A because the stone is very close to the urethra and will very soon be expelled out .

Do’s & Don’ts :
Avoid intake of too many pain killers without your doctors consent.
Avoid Over-dose of Calcium Supplements.
Adequate intake of water

Saturday 30 November 2013

Tonsillitis treated with Homeopathy

What is a Tonsil? What do they do ? 

The tonsils are part of the lymphatic system, which helps to fight infections. They are situated at the base of the mouth at the junction of the opening of the pharynx and esophagus. There are three sets of tonsils which are as follows:

• Pharyngeal Tonsil / Adenoids
• Palatine Tonsils
• Lingual Tonsils

The Palatine tonsils are at the back of the throat, one on either side and you can see them peeking at you when you open your mouth wide and look in the mirror.

These tonsils serves to fight infection by acting like a guard against infective organisms from being invading the body or being localized and cause inflammation in tonsils so it is called Tonsillitis.

What are the symptoms of Tonsillitis? 
• Sore throat
• Child will complain of difficulty in swallowing saliva, liquids or solids
• Recurrent attacks of cold, stuffy nose, sneezing, and coughs
• Swollen lympnodes (usually cervical lympnodes), with recurrent severe fevers.
• There are other conditions that mimic tonsillitis symptoms like peritonsillar abscess, tonsilloliths, etc hence it is essential to consult your doctor if any of the above mentioned symptoms is present or persists.

How is it diagnosed? On examining the throat it can found that the tonsils are swollen red with spots or sores. Based on the appearance of the tonsils the homeopath can make a homeopathic diagnosis and determine what type and family of medicine will be suitable for the patient.

Homeopathy, as an Alternative treatment for Tonsillitis:
Homeopathy is gaining popularity in treating kids with enlarged and infected tonsils.

At Essence Homeopathic Clinics, the homeopath acknowledges the tonsil as an integral part of the body’s immune system and provides medications specific for the patient suffering with the tonsillar infection which provides the following results:

• Homeopathic medicines help to bring down the size of the tonsil back to normal size.
• Reduces the occurrence of fevers and colds, influenza.
• Enhances the immunity of the child and also provides resistance to allergic reactions caused by exposure to allergens.

We provide medications prescribed based “advanced homeopathic protocol” that are found to be effective in 2 weeks’ time in most of the cases. Please note the duration of the treatment will vary depending on the type of tonsil, the immune status of the patient and also depends on other associated conditions.

Consult our experienced homeopaths: 416-986-1237